Thursday, November 8, 2012

Peninsula Daily News Column 11-8-12 "Open season starts for Tax-Aide help"

            Does it ever feel to you like the whole world is going to Heck in a hand basket (whatever a “hand basket” is – Or, for that matter, whatever “heck” is)?
            I know; me, too.
            As if Medicare’s “open enrollment” wasn’t enough to drive you back under the covers (we have four weeks from today!), it seems like all we hear about is what’s wrong, or who did what to who, or who is trying to do what to who, or greed, or lies or how the world is going to end soon or…You know. It’s all around us, all the time.
            And we begin to wonder, “What happened??” Oh, sure, we knew “Andy of Mayberry” was a TV show, but…GEEZ! There used to be simple, decent people around who behaved simply and decently, if a bit…oddly. What happened? It’s…scary.
            I’m not personally convinced that “it” is any worse than it ever was; it’s just that media make us privy to every bad, scary thing that happens in the world IMMEDIATELY! But if that’s all you hear all the time, you have to begin to wonder. It’s…scary.
            And in the face of all that sadness and horror, we feel helpless – Powerless; there’s nothing we can do. There’s nothing I can do.
            Yes, there is.
            Where I end up, when I get lost in all that fear and all those discouraging words, is realizing that I can’t fix all of “that” – But I can do a little something to make my little corner of this very strange world a little better, and so can you. Listen:
            This is the time of the year that TAX-AIDE is recruiting volunteers to help them help people who need help; yes, I know it’s “open enrollment” and I know the days are getting shorter and colder and I know that the holidays are coming and I don’t care. This is something that some of us can do to make our little corner of the world better, and it probably won’t be fun – Unless you think being showered with gratitude is “fun.”
            You’d have to show-up in Sequim for “new volunteer orientation classes” on December 4th and 5th, and then you’d have to study your little hearts out using IRS-provided materials and tax preparation software to learn how to electronically file tax returns. Sound fun so far? It gets better.
            Then, you’ll get to go back to Sequim on January 3rd and 4th for “review classes,” and then you’ll have to pass an IRS test at the “advanced” level (because it doesn’t help people to help them if you don’t know what you’re doing) AND sign a IRS “Standards of Conduct” document that says you’ll act like a good and decent human being- Andy would’ve been proud.
            THEN, you’ll get to work your tail off (metaphorically speaking) all through “tax season!” TAX-AIDE will ask you to work (oh, Yes Virginia – This IS “work!”) at least four hours per week, but they’ll need you more than that; well, I’ve never lied to you before…
            You do not have to be 65 or retired to do this; yes, TAX-AIDE is sponsored by AARP, but you don’t have to be a member or join-up or whatnot - TAX-AIDE serves all comers who are low-to-medium income. Period.
            In my never-ending quest to overstate the obvious, I’m forced to observe that not all of us are cut-out to prepare tax returns; OK, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something else you could do to help, right? I mean, they’ve got to have “coordinators” and publicity people and “facilitators” (think “crowd control,” or “hospitality”) and probably “grunts” and “techies” and who-knows what else! Are you willing to at least think about this?
            OK, here’s what you do: Contact AARP at for an online application. No? OK, try this:
These folks need to know who’s willing to help by December, so don’t think about this too long; besides, what’s to think about? You’re not going to be able to tear yourself away from the 119th rerun of “It’s a Wonderful Life” long enough to learn the IRS tax code? Oh, come now!
Helping TAX-AIDE probably won’t save the world from Handbasket Land, but it will help people who want and need that help, so our little corner of the world will be a little better than it was, because of what you did.
And for most of us, my friends, that’s as good as it’s going to get.

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