Thursday, May 9, 2013

Peninsula Daily News Column 5-9-2013 "Shake off scams with fun family fair"

          I confess that I’ve always had a little trouble with the phrase, “…lost my temper.” I, for one, have never misplaced my temper – I’ve always known exactly where it was and have had ready access to it; thus, when I hear about yet another scam designed to dupe decent people into hurting themselves so some jerk somewhere can get richer, I tend to get…angry.
          I must also confess, however, that sometimes these attempts at conning people who don’t deserve to get conned are idiotic to the point of laughable; listen:
          Very recently, I received an e-mail from a reader who had a received a phone call at 7:52 in the morning from some guy who addressed the reader by name and said he was calling with “…special offers from Medicare.” Having been on the receiving end of the “Grandson scam” in the past, this reader promptly and (I hope) unceremoniously hung up. Good! While I might personally have added a few unsolicited expletives, I applaud the reader for allowing good sense to prevail over “courtesy” and keep that Social Security and/or Medicare number safe!
          But you have to wonder, don’t you? “Special offers from Medicare??” Really? Do we think that “Medicare” is having a time-limited, 10% off sale with a money-back guarantee? Really? Give me a break! Yes, I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.
          “Medicare,” or any other legitimate Federal or State agency would NEVER do this, or anything like this! Never! Now, we could certainly get calls from people marketing this-or-that Part D or Advantage or Medicare supplement plan – Such is life in America – But if we do, they won’t be trying to hustle your Medicare or Social Security number and they won’t object if we say that we want to think about it; so, get off the phone, then think about it!
          Honestly! Do we suppose that Medicare is trying to find new customers? Just shake your head and try to find something more…uplifting to think about, like…
          …the 3rd annual “Forks Family Fair!” Well, why not? Day after tomorrow, May 11, 10:00 to 3:00 at the Forks Elks Lodge, which remains firmly situated at 941 Merchant Road – In Forks! Well, why not?
          This isn’t just about “Elders,” which is why it’s called a “Family Fair,” because it’s going to be about the whole family, including kids. And to prove it, there’s going to be a free model rocket demonstration by the Olympic Peninsula Rocketry 4-H Club! (Watch: The kids will have to fight their way through the rest of us to be able to get a look).
          There will be folks and info from the Red Cross and a Veterans disability expert and “Project Lifesaver” and the CHiPS Child ID program.
          Throw in home health and some folks who can demonstrate and explain “environmental modifications” (think, making your home more friendly) like walk-in bathtubs and physical therapy and in-home care.
          “Information & Assistance (us) will be over the place, pointing out points of interest like the Northwest Justice Project or the Housing Resource Center or the genealogy expert or Forks Abuse or…Clowns and face-painting! (Watch: The kids will have to fight their way through…OK, maybe not)
          But, maybe so! Why not? There’s going to be a whole lot of good info in one very free place for 5 hours on a Saturday in Forks! Come when you’re ready, leave when you want – Refreshments!
          Do you have any questions or concerns about accessibility or accommodations? Good! Call Susie Brandelius at 360-374-9496 (1-888-571-6559) or call or e-mail me, using the info at the end of the column.
          Just COME ON! Have a look around, gather up some info on some things that could change your life – Or your Mom’s life. Got some worries, but you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking for, because you’re not exactly sure what would help? I get it, so just come on over and let’s talk it over and try to figure it out.
          Are you somebody who’s taking care of somebody who needs to be taken care of, whether you (or they) like it or not? OK – You might be surprised at what’s out there to support you.
Can’t quite figure out Medicare or health insurance in general? I really get THAT! There will be people there who can help you – For free – Without trying to sell you anything, because they don’t have anything to sell.
          What you won’t find are any “special offers from Medicare;” because there aren’t any special offers from Medicare. What you will find are good, decent local folks who know what they’re talking about, so come by, say “Hello” and see what you see.
          What-the-heck else are you going to do on a Saturday in May? Stay home and wait for the phone to ring, and then listen to some idiot try to sell you something that doesn’t exist? See? A little face-painting is sounding better by the moment!

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